Mercedes R129 PRE LIFT Door Mirror Triangle Left Or Right Imitation Leather All Colors A1297250711 / A1297250811
Mercedes R129 PRE LIFT Door Mirror Triangle Left Or Right Imitation Leather All Colors A1297250711 / A1297250811
Side: Left or Right
Color: Schwarz (Black) | Grau (Grey) | Oriongrau (Ash) | Champignon (Mushroom) | Cremebeige | Helios (Yellow) | Dattel (Palomino/ Date) | Java | Blau (Dark-Blue) | Mittelrot (Medium red) | Pinengrun (Dark green) | Brasil (Dark brown) | Alpaca Grey | Olive
New part
Technology/Material: Laser Sintering With Polymer Powder
OEM serial number: Left: A1297250711 / Right: A1297250811
This part is imitating leather, but colored with every Mercedes interior color by our specialists.
Designed for models:
Mercedes-Benz R129 SL (1989-1996)
– EU product
– Shipping from the EU