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Considering a Porsche 911 Turbo? Act now

Considering a Porsche 911 Turbo? Act now

Added on: July 14, 2024
Author: OctoClub

1. The time to buy a Porsche 911 Turbo is now

2. Market trends and price stability

3. Observations across generations

4. Comparing competitors

5. The value of demand and supply

6. Conclusion

The time to buy a Porsche 911 Turbo is now

If you’ve ever considered purchasing a Porsche 911 Turbo, now might be the perfect moment to make that decision. Over the past year, prices in the Turbo market have shown signs of stabilization, and recent trends indicate a potential upward shift. For those willing to embrace a bit of risk, this could be an excellent buying opportunity.

Market trends and price stability

Eight months ago, I noted that it was a favorable time for buyers, and the evidence has only grown stronger. The depreciation rates for the 991.2 Turbo S and base models have been declining, with the Turbo S losing only 2.9% (approximately $5,200) over the last year, while the base model saw a 3.8% decrease (around $6,200). These figures represent significant deviations from the declines observed in the second half of 2022.

In the 991.1 market, the stability is even more pronounced. Base models have experienced only a 0.8% drop, while Turbo S models have lost just 1.2%, translating to stable prices overall.

Porsche 911

Observations across generations

This positive trend extends to earlier models as well. In the 997 and 996 markets, the price corrections from 2022 were relatively minor, and we are now witnessing stability. For instance, the 997.2 Turbo S has seen prices increase by 1.9%, indicating a solid market foundation.

While the 992 generation still shows higher depreciation due to its newness, the rates are not alarming. Compared to earlier years, the depreciation rates have slowed considerably, with 2022 models averaging a 6.3% drop.

Comparing competitors

When comparing the Turbo to competitors, the difference in depreciation rates becomes evident. For instance, the McLaren GT lost 9.7% over the past year, three times more than the 911 Turbo. Similarly, the Turbo outperformed the AMG GT C, with the latter losing 5.6% compared to the Turbo’s minimal decline.

The value of demand and supply

One key factor driving these trends is the scarcity in the market. High demand relative to supply has contributed to the Turbo’s price resilience. Current inventory data shows a declining trend in unsold vehicles, indicating quicker sales and less aggressive discounting practices.

Porsche 911


In recent updates, I have consistently highlighted the bottoming of depreciation curves in the Turbo market. The latest data reinforces this, with most generations showing flat or near-flat price developments. While the 991.2 and 992 models still see slight depreciation, it’s at a much lower rate compared to the broader market.

If you’ve been waiting for prices to drop further before purchasing a Porsche 911 Turbo, it might be time to reconsider. While it’s impossible to predict the future with certainty, current trends indicate that significant further price drops are unlikely. Now could be the optimal time to make that purchase and enjoy the performance and prestige of a Porsche 911 Turbo.

Inspired by the analysis of our friend @fourwheeltrader. Make sure you check his other videos



Are you already a proud owner of a Porsche 911? If so, check out our selection of parts for this car at the following link:


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